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  • What are Unbundled Legal Services?
  • #915

      What are unbundled legal services and limited scope retainers, and what are the pros and cons?

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      • #1021
        Sarah MillerLawyer

          Unbundled legal services, also known as limited scope retainers, refer to a legal arrangement in which a lawyer provides assistance to a client for specific tasks or aspects of their case, rather than representing them comprehensively throughout the entire legal process. This approach allows clients to save money by retaining more control over the amount of time a lawyer spends on their case.

          When a lawyer is retained by a client to provide comprehensive representation, that lawyer will not be able to completely control the amount of work that will be required. Lawyers are obligated to provide prompt responses to other lawyers or self-represented opposing parties. Lawyers bill in 6-minute increments and legal fees can add up quickly when a lawyer needs to respond to emails and phone calls.  For example, at an hourly rate of $350, just one brief email or phone call will generally cost a client $35.00. If that lawyer receives multiple emails or phone calls per day, that client’s legal bills will add up very quickly.

          When a lawyer is retained for specific tasks only, that lawyer will have more control over the amount of time required to complete those specific tasks. Unbundled legal services can include tasks such as document preparation, court representation for a specific court appearance, or legal advice on a particular issue.

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